Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sneaky Peek 3

It's not hooked up to .wod files yet, but for inline bindings, it's available in nightly.

P.S. My tab color isn't actually bright red, that's just what I have set when I run my plugin development Eclipse.


Louis Demers said...

Really great. I tried nightly and the binding experimental tab does not appear. Looked in preferences to see it it needed to be enabled, reset the WOLips perspective, closed it, reopened it ... no luck. When dragging, any modifier keys needs to be pressed ?

Mike Schrag said...

The view does not appear by default yet, you have to turn it on. Go to Window=>Show View=>Other... and select "Bindings (Experimental)" from under the WOLips category.

Louis Demers said...

Thanks, always grateful for your patience. Eclipse is such a beast to master...